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Fine Arts and Electives

Opportunities to Explore & Excel

The Northridge Middle School elective program encourages students to pursue interests and passions beyond the core curriculum.  Electives are meant to meet one of the most important needs for middle school students: fun!  These programs should be a fun way to boost critical thinking and collaboration skills, and they provide opportunities to build relationships with peers in a setting outside of traditional curriculum. 

Teachers of electives play an important role in creating cutting-edge course work and objectives. They are charged with having a unique set of skills and expertise (fine arts, robotics, computer science, career exploration, environmental investigations, foreign languages etc.). They must be able to effectively convey these skills to their students to create an enriched environment where students learn to cultivate skill sets of their own, all while having fun!  Teachers at Northridge Middle school are an integral part of challenging our students to prepare them to be TCS Graduates.